2.8 Southern Forests: A Center for Biodiversity - Reptiles
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Southern Forests: A Center for Biodiversity - Reptiles
Southern US
Southern US
0 205 410
1,640 Miles
a. Reptile richness of ecoregions Number of species: 102 - 191 73 - 101 65 - 72 57 - 64 43 - 56 32 - 42 22 - 31 15 - 21 10 - 14 1-9 0
b. Reptile strict-endemism of ecoregions Number of species: 8 - 12 6-7 3-5 2 1 0
Source: Reptile diversity by ecoregion (Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World, Olson et al., 2001)
Southern Forests: A Center for Biodiversity - Reptiles
Southern US
Southern US
0 205 410
1,640 Miles
a. Reptile richness of ecoregions Number of species: 102 - 191 73 - 101 65 - 72 57 - 64 43 - 56 32 - 42 22 - 31 15 - 21 10 - 14 1-9 0
b. Reptile strict-endemism of ecoregions Number of species: 8 - 12 6-7 3-5 2 1 0
Source: Reptile diversity by ecoregion (Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World, Olson et al., 2001)